
博客來精選推薦Diabetic Smoothie Recipes- Top 365 Chocolate Smoothie Recipes for Diabetic


Diabetic Smoothie Recipes- Top 365 Chocolate Smoothie Recipes for Diabetic

Diabetic Smoothie Recipes- Top 365 Chocolate Smoothie Recipes for Diabetic 評價





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就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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Diabetic Smoothie Recipes- Top 365 Chocolate Smoothie Recipes for Diabetic


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If you stumbled across the description of this book, you yourself are either searching for tastier food options as a diabetic or you are helping a loved one regain their sense of taste once again. Being a diabetic is not a lot of fun, but I guarantee that this book could be just the start in transforming that negative mindset! Diabetics have to watch what they consume to literally thrive and survive! But many of us assume that means parting ways with tasty edibles that we once feasted on. This book by no means has all the answers to recipes that can satisfy your everyday hunger pains and cravings, but it is a great beginning! Who doesn’t like to start their mornings off with a smooth-sailing? Or pair their lunch breaks with something delectable to sip on? There are smoothies of all kinds out there, but for you diabetics, this recipe book is LOADED with ones just for you! From simple to complex, salty to sweet, light to rich, there is a smoothie recipe tucked away in this book for all of your cravings! What are you waiting for? I can hear your taste buds calling for one of these babies! So get off your butt and purchase this book and get that blender out of storage, because you are in for quite a treat! Take Action Today and Grab this Book loaded with Delicious 365 Chocolate Smoothie Recipes for Diabetic.


  • 作者: Kassi, K. M./ Stewart, Annabel
  • 原文出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
  • 出版日期:2017/05/18
  • 語言:英文

Diabetic Smoothie Recipes- Top 365 Chocolate Smoothie Recipes for Diabetic

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